Lead Nurturing and Management Tips
Lead Nurturing Process
How long does it take to turn a lead into a sale? How do I nurture a lead until it becomes a sale? People want results right away – they want to go to an appointment and close a sale in the same day. Typically it takes longer and there is a process to nurture the lead until it becomes a sale.
Our team at EAS LeadGen is an expert at nurturing prospects and turning them into appointments – which will curtail your nurturing time. There are many advantages to having appointments set for you:
Infusing new appointments into the sales pipeline
Quick responses to leads that come in via web site, trade shows and marketing campaigns
Nurturing a prospect until they are ripe and ready for your appointment
Time savings on courting a prospect until they are ready for an appointment
Remember – to grow prospects, you need to have prospects.
Better Lead Management
Lead management is an important piece in the lead generation process. Here are four tips that are critical to your lead generation process:
Who is responsible for the leads?
Who will respond and evaluate the leads?
How will the leads be distributed?
How will leads be tracked?
Another important tip is your marketing options. Quoting an article about “Five Tips for Better Lead Management”, it says “Seek marketing programs that not only reach your target audience, but are able to generate and deliver leads with important information you need for proper lead management.” At EAS LeadGen, we target prospects and set appointments specific to your company’s needs. Information gathered during this process is provided to you to assess the current market conditions. Other marketing options such as direct mail and print advertising do not provide you with this type of information. Pairing LeadGen with a trade show or email campaign will help you follow-up with prospects, set appointments and gather information.
What type of follow-up do you have in place for your leads?