Email Best Practices
Email Marketing Follow-Up
How do you plan on following up to the hundreds or thousands of emails that you are sending out to market your company? Are you sending another email? And then what? Who is contacting the people that opened the emails?
Contacting everyone that opens an email that you have sent can be quite an undertaking, and usually companies do not have enough people or time to take on such a task. If the open emails are not contacted – this is a missed opportunity. At EAS LeadGen, we help our clients by conducting follow-up calls. Connecting with the prospects and reinforcing the email’s message, we are able to create a rapport with them and with the ultimate goal of setting appointments for our clients. Email marketing follow-up is crucial to receive the most from your campaign.
Missing an opened email is a missed opportunity.
Breaking Barriers in Business-to-Business Sales Using an Email and Calling Campaign
In this overstuffed information world with robocalls, emails, text messages, social media…how do you stand out amongst the clutter of information? Your target prospects are being bombarded with offer overload otherwise known as “electronic junk mail”. How do you use an email and direct calling campaign to reach your targets?
Finding the right message to spark interest in your prospects is detrimental. Do you offer them what they need? Can you help them solve a problem? Why is your company better than competitors? Can you provide them with information that they should know? Answering these questions will help you create your message.
Sending in the reinforcements – such as a sales team or outsourcing to a lead generation company that specializes in calling is your next step. Just do not let the email(s) dangle out there without having a plan in place. Have a team that calls and conveys information that will entice prospects to engage further with your company.
Repeat after me – “this cycle should not stop”. After each call - whether a contact has been made or not – an email should be generated to the prospects as a follow-up. If the caller contacts a prospect five times – and is unable to connect – an email should not be generated five times. Decide on a number of calls that should be attempted before an email is sent.
Continuing to follow up with prospects throughout the year. Once the initial wave of prospects has been contacted, create a plan of when to cycle back to contact them again – quarterly, bi-annually… Besides keeping your company at the top of their mind, it is a way to keep your CRM current. Less than biannually will cause you to have an outdated CRM.
How many emails have you received that there is no follow-up with? If you receive an email, then a call, and then another email – would you be more inclined to glance at the email?